Friday, March 13, 2009

Update Title: Stewart: Heather Lost

The latest cover design and title.

Click on graphic to enlarge to full screen.

The First Proof Copy of the "Book"

Click on graphic to enlarge to full screen.

I have been off line for the last month. I had cataract surgery on the 25th of February. All has not gone well since then. No whining . . . let it lay.
The first "proof" copy of the book was printed. It looked good, but needed editing. G. Stewart Mathison, (cousin) volunteered and has done the final edit. I have combined his copy with my last edited copy. I have finished and will take in the combined files to the printer for a final "proof" tomorrow, Monday, March 30.
Some stats: The "Book" will be 8 1/2" X 11" trimmed slightly in the binding process. The binding is called "Perfect Binding" and is commonly used in today's print shops. It weighs approximately 2 1/2 pounds. There are 343 pages with approximately 220 graphics, scans, etc. There are 29 pages of color graphics. The cover design has a yellow spine to make the book stand out on the shelf. My color is blue, therefore . . . .
Let me hear your thoughts, I like input. BTW, Mary Kay and I celebrated out 58th wedding anniversary on March 26, 2009.